New Name, Same Great Controllers!

Arctic Shield is the new name for the Spreader and Plow controls from Ditco.

Snow and Ice Maintenance made easy with our versatile and realiable controls.

Contact Us today for ordering and more info!

Hydraulic Controllers

Ditco specializes in building controllers that run hydraulic valves.

We have the controls to fit your needs!


 And if we don’t have it, our Engineering team can design it for you!


Contact us today!


Happy Holidays!

Winter is here!

Contact Ditco for your Snow and Ice management needs.
Spreader Controls, Plow Controls, Temperature Sensors and more!
Thank you to our customers for keeping the roads safe.
We will be closed on December 24th and December 31st to enjoy the holidays.


Stay safe and enjoy!

Electro-Hydraulic Controls

Ditco has designed numerous electro-hydraulic control products that use advanced technology for the precise control of electronic proportional valves. We have a wide range of controls to meet your needs for: single- and multi-axis joysticks, speed control, ramping, steering, guidance, pick and place, automatic bearing lubrication, and many more.

Snow & Ice Management

Ditco offers granular spreaders, liquid pre-wet sprayer, plow controllers, and temperature monitors. Our top-notch spreader controls are designed to be durable, practical, and easy to use. We use innovative proportional hydraulic valve drivers, ground speed spreader modulation, and data logging to implement your Snow & Ice spreading policies.

Agricultural Controls

Ditco has created the right designs for controlling your farming equipment and to manage your production. We offer: automatic steering and automatic leveling controls for wheat, strawberry, raspberry picking machines; fertilizer spreaders; automatic start/stop controls for fruit orchard fans; force and RPM monitoring for mining operations.



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